(UUID : f38366d1-6766-488f-b3b0-8b245ece2748)
Physical properties determination of sample BH TB6, Mukim Labu, Temburong
ASTM D3302-02a, Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence S470
Physical properties test
Field observations
Humification degree (Hg) and lithology were estimated from visual inspection and various testing.
The following laboratory tests were conducted:
Total Moisture content
The samples were air-dried at room temperature and using a VWR forced air oven. The weights were measured before and after (ASTM D3173-03/D3173-93). Total Moisture content were measured as well (ASTM D3302-02a)
The pH, EC, and Redox (Eh) measurements
Samples were mixed with distilled water inside test tubes and left for 1 hour. The pH and Redox were measured using the multi-parameters Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence S470. Subsequently, the Electrical Conductivity values were measured after filtering (ISO 10390, 1997: ISO 122565,1).
#Physical properties #Soil #Peat #Clay
Mukim Labu
Raw Data
BH TB6 Physical properties, Temburong
Universiti Brunei Darussalam-Dr Basilios Tsikouras
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