(UUID : ecef5441-2f90-46ef-9f0a-fb0b509ccc93)
Heavy Sample collecting (for Analysis)
Geological Survey in Hpa Sawng area, Hpa Sawng township, Kayah state
Sample collecting in Hpa Sawng area, Hpa Sawng tsp, Kayah state
0.0118 ~ 1.806
Million Years (Ma)
Older alluvium
Geological survey in Hpa Sawng area, Hpa Sawng township, Kayah state
Sample collecting for Analysis
to Analysis
200 ~ 400
Alluvial Fan
Geological Survey in Hpa Sawng area, Hpa Sawng township, Kayah state
Hpa Sawng area, Hpa Sawng township, Kayah state
There were good mineral prospects for tin and tungsten in Kayah and Tanintharyi. For Kayah state, Mawchi mine is the one of the major Sn-W mine in Myanmar. It is a world class tin and tungsten mine during pre-war period 1930s (Hobson 1941). This Sn–W deposit occurs where a tourmaline-rich granite cupola has intruded clay slates, argillites, very fine-grained sandstones, quartz grits, calcareous mudstones and limestones of the Mergui Group (formerly Mawchi Series). In the contact zone, the granite has slightly metamorphosed these rocks to indurated shales, quartzites, spotted schists and crystalline limestones (Khin Zaw & Khin Myo Thet 1983).
Myanmar (Burma)
Kayah state
Hpa Sawng township
Saw Jet (Geologist) and Htun Yu Hlaing (Assistant Geologist) DGSE
for Field report
for Field report
Heavy Sample collecting in Hpa Sawng area, Hpa Sawng tsp, Kayah state_MM_Ore_14_2023
Analysis of Heavy mineral from Pha Sawng area (CCOP-SMP-2023-000280)
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