(UUID : dc8f8e93-a976-41bf-9938-6ce0fc9bf46f)
Lava flow
Geological Survey in Lay Thar taung area, Singu township, Mandalay division
Lava flow occurs in Lay Thar tarung (mountain) area, Singu township.
0.0118 ~ 5.332
Million Years (Ma)
Pliocene to Pleistocene
Singu Basalt
Mineral Database
Geological Survey in Lay Thar taung area, Singu township, Mandalay division. (DGSE and Shwe Lin Kar Industrial Co., Ltd.
Field report
300 ~ 520
Geological Survey in Lay Thar taung (mountain) area, Singu township, Mandalay division
Lay Thar taung area, Singu township, Mandalay division
Tertiary age, Singu basalt is mostly occur in the study area. And the gravel bed of Irrawaddy formation (Plistocene) is also occur as an underlinning bed. Singu basalt has verious characters, Pumiceous, Amygdoloidal and Tortoise shell. At Singu, syn-tectonic Pleistocene basalts, possibly vented through the active fault strands, form a low elliptical plateau. The basalts overlie the upper part of the Plio-Quaternary Irrawaddy Group and straddle the fault trace (Chhibber 1934; Bender 1983; Bertrand et al. 1998).
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay division
Singu township
Aung Pe (Assistant Geologist) DGSE and Geologists of Shwe Lin Kar Industrial Co., Ltd.
2022-02-17 ~ 2022-05-31
Lava flow_MM_Rock_28_2024
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