(UUID : cb24c915-c5b1-4613-b3bb-ab5cd094f679)
Core (drilling sample) Peel Sample
Graphite Drilling (For Analysis)
Land Drilling Core
Preliminary Graphite Exploration in Iyar area, Thabeikkyin township, Mandalay region
Drilling of Graphite in Iyar area, Thabeikkyin township
542.0 ~ 2500
Million Years (Ma)
Mogok Group
Mineral Database
Graphite Drillin in Iyar area, Thabeikkyin township
For Chemical Analysis
Mineral Deposit Area
Drilling of Graphite in Iyar area, Thabeikkyin township, Mandalay region
Iyar area, Thabeikkyin township, Mandalay region
Pure marble, diopside marble, phlogopite marble occurs in Iyar area. Biotite granite rocks which composed with quartz and feldspar also occur in this area.
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay region
Thabeikkyin township
Mr. Soe Myint (Geologist) etal
Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Naypyitaw, [email protected], [email protected]
11:18 AM ~ 20:20
Chemical Laboratory and Museum
Chemical Laboratory and Museum
~ 62
Graphite Drilling(For Analysis)_MM_Drill_05_2023
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