(UUID : c9c0ebdc-122d-47cc-a9d8-071d8d9a805d)
Fine sandstone
Ground Drilling Core
Solid mineral borehole
Quartz veins are appeared in the rock, the width of 0.02m , pyrite and firefite are found in the veins
WZK502 can reflect the geological introduction of the ore area and the geological characteristics of the ore body. The depth of ore found in the hole is about 36m. There are 25 layers of ore bodies with a maximum false thickness of 5.67m. The scheelite ore has different degrees of mineralization from 41.70m to 400m, and present a star-like distribution.
Research and service utilization
Wurinitu tungsten and molybdenum ore,Erenhot City,Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Sunit Left Banner, Xilin Gol League
Cores and Samples Center of Natural Resources
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