(UUID : c330b7fc-c783-49dd-b9a1-ad95f3658080)
Diopside Marble and Calc-silicate
Geological Survey and Preliminary Pegmatite Exploration in Kyause, Myit Thar townships, Kyaukse district and Wun Dwin townships, Wun Dwin district, Mandalay division
Diopsite Marble and Calc Silicate outcrop occurs in study area
542 ~ 416
Million Years (Ma)
?Cambrian to Silurian
Kyaukse, Myit Thar townships, Kyaukse district, Myit Thar townships and Myit Thar district, Mandalay division
Mineral Database
200 ~ 825.2
Geological Survey and Preliminary Pegmatite Exploration in Kyaukse district and Wun Dwin district, Mandalay division
Kyaukse, Myit Thar townships, Kyaukse district and Wun Dwin township, Wun Dwin district, Mandalay division
The Survey area, Pyat Ka Ywae range region is the western most part of eastern high land and contact with the eastern most part of central low land. Western part of the survey area is low and small mountain of Jurassic to Cretaceous ages of Panlaung formation, composed with Pat Chaung Igneous rock units and in the eastern part, composed with Permian to Triassic age Plateau Limestone group and Ordovician, Silurian age of limestone and siltstone, divided by fault. The Center of the survey area is mostly high mountain s and mountain ranges. North east of the survey area, the Shan Scarp fault is lie NW - SE structurally.
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay division
Kyaukse township
Soe Myint (Senior Geologist), Kyaw Kyaw Oo (Assistant Geologist) and Aung Thu Kyaw (Geological Assistant - 2)
2022-06-05 ~ 2022-09-15
Diopside Marble and Calc Silicate_MM_Rock_42_2024
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