(UUID : b43bbfcc-3d39-48da-ac5f-7757eb55fc0b)
Quartz Crystal
Geological Survey in Mogok township(Gem area), Mandalay region. (DGSE and DMR 16.3.2019 - 3.4.2019)
White colour quartz crystal are occur in Sa Khan Gyi area, Mogok township.
23.03 ~ 251.0
Million Years (Ma)
Oligocene to Triassic
Geological Survey in Sakan Gyi area, Mogok township (Gem area), Mandalay region. (DGSE and DMR 16.3.2019 - 3.4.2019)
3 x 2 x 1
White colour quartz crystal are occur in Sa Khan Gyi area, Mogok township.
For field report
457.2 ~ 601.7
Mineral Deposit Area
Geological Survey in Sa Khan Gyi area, Mogok township, Mandalay region
Geological Survey in Sa Khan Gyi area, Mogok township, Mandalay region
Quartz crystals occur in Sa Khan Gyi area, near Mogok stone track. The Mogok Stone Tract of Myanmar is legendary as the source of the finest high-quality rubies and spinels found in marbles. The Mogok area consists of a series of high-grade metamorphic rocks; the dominant unit is banded gneiss with biotite, garnet, sillimanite and oligoclase, interspersed with quartzite and bands and lenses of marble (Kyaw Thu 2007; Themelis 2008; Yui et al. 2008; Khin Zaw et al. 2015)
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay region
Mogok township
Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration and DMR (frield trip in Mogok area (Mogok stone track) March 2019)
2019-03-16 ~ 2019-04-03
For field report
For field report
Quartz Crystal_MM_Rock_46_2023
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