(UUID : af530327-42a7-422b-bf2d-113c8b864af9)
Smoky quartz
Geological Survey in Taung Ni taung, mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
Reddish brown to grey color, medium grained smoky quartz in Taung Ni taung, mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
0 ~ 0.0118
Million Years (Ma)
Younger Andesite and basalt
Geological Survey in Taung Ni taung,mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
Reddish brown to Grey color, medium grained smoky quartz occurs in Taung Ni taung, Mount Popa area
1160 m ~ 1171 m
Geological Survey in Taung Ni taung, mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
Taung Ni taung, mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township
At Mt Popa volcanic rocks are interbedded with Quaternary sediments, reflecting the continued subduction of the Indian Ocean floor. Recent carbon 14C age dating of the palaeosols at Mt Popa indicates that eruptions have taken place as recently as c. 800 years ago (Belousov et al. 2012). Lithology of this area is younger andesite and basalt, The Bago Yoma Ranges pass northwards into a line of extinct volcanoes with small crater lakes and eroded cones; the largest of these is Mount Popa (1518 m). Manganese also occurs as epigenetic deposits in andesitic volcanics at Kyaukpadaung, Mt Popa area.
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay division
Kyaukpadaung township
Dr. Myint Soe (Deputy Director General) et at (DGSE)
for Field report
for Field report
Smoky quartz_MM_Rock_63_2023
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