(UUID : a3ef3340-d98f-4b1d-9e9c-ef5997018468)
Geological Survey in Mount Popa area, Kyauk Pa Daung township, Mandalay division
Lapilli occurs in mount Popa area, Kyauk Pa Daung township
0 ~ 0.0118
Million Years (Ma)
mount Popa area, Kyauk Pa Daung township, Mandalay division (mount Popa National Geosite project)
Mineral Database
298.7 ~ 1518.2
mount Popa area, Kyauk Pa Daung township, Mandalay division
mount Popa, Kyauk Pa Daung township, Mandalay division
To the east of the Indo-Myanmar Ranges in Myanmar the Central Lowlands (Naing Maw Than et al. 2017; Myint Thein & Maung Maung 2017), with a crystalline continental basement, are intruded by the Mesozoic–Cenozoic Wuntho-Salingyi-Popa Volcanic Arc (Myint Soe et al. 2017). The basement is overlain by Cenozoic sediments, divided between forearc and back-arc basins by a line of volcanic crater lakes and eroded cinder cones with Mount Popa in the south and Taungthonlon in the north.Pleistocene high-Al basalts and absarokites at Mount Popa and Monywa and OIB type alkali basalts at Singu (Bertrand et al. 1998; Lee et al. 2010) have previously been attributed to continued post- Miocene subduction (e.g. Mitchell 1993), but more recent work suggests they formed by extension-related melting of subduction-enriched mantle, indicating possible Middle Miocene (11 Ma) cessation of subduction (Everett et al. 1990; Lee et al. 2010).
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay division
Kyaukpadaung township
Dr. Myint Soe et al (DGSE)
for Field report
for Field report
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The copyright of this data is held by CCOP.