(UUID : a2706864-2fcd-408f-aa85-2f9d5336f09d)
Ruby (Mogok tsp)
Geological Field trip in Mogok township, Mandalay region
Ruby crtstals occur in white color, medium grained marble
251.0 ~ 359.2
Million Years (Ma)
Permian and older
Mogok Group
Mineral Database
8 cm x 5 cm x 4 cm
Dattaw taung, Mogok township, Mandalay region
349.8 ~ 502.1
Mineral Deposit Area
Geological Survey in Dattaw taung, Mogok township, Mandalay region
Dattaw taung, Mogok township, Mandalay region
The distinctive features of Mogok rubies are their fine pigeon's blood, colour, which resemble the colour of the bright red ring in the iris of the eye of a pigeon. In practice, the colours of Mogok rubies range from light pinkish, red to deep red, which arange to violiet saturations. The chacteristic crystal form from mogok rubies is short prism, however, long hexagonal prisms with pinacoids, combinations of prisms, rhombohedrons and pinacoids area also common. Additional minerals inclusions in mogok rubies are calcite, spinel, zircon, apatite, titanite (sphene), corundum, mica, graphite, boehmite and garnet.
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay Region
Mogok Township
Dr. Myint Soe (Deputy Director General), Dr. Adichat (Director of CCOP) and Field party of DGSE
Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Naypyitaw, [email protected]
For Field report
For Field report
Ruby (Mogok)_MM_Rock_44_2023
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The copyright of this data is held by CCOP.