(UUID : 710e0765-79fa-4fb1-940b-98d56c5951a9)
Sand soil
Geological Survey in Nay Pyi Taw union territory area (Urban Geology project)
Yellowish brown color, fine to medium grained Sand soil
Mineral Database
Preliminary Urban geology project in Nay Pyi Taw union territory area
Mineral Database
115 ~ 326
Preliminary Urban Geology project in Nay Pyi Taw union territory area
Zabuthiri and Dekkhinathiri townships, Nay Pyi Taw union territory area.
It can be see 50cm from the surface as coarse grained. Sand soil can keep small amount of soil nutrient and also weak in keeping of water. Sand soil makes light, warm, dry, aciditly and poor of nutrient for plant. Sand soil is easy, quick and good in drainage system. Sand soil composed of small size (or) pounder rock fragments which has resistance when weathering. So it is suitable for constuction. Beacause though they allow the water pass thourgh but they have no movement or changing form. Sand soil is poor nutrient and can't keep moisture, but some farm can grow on it, such as onion, carroit and pottato.
Myanmar (Burma)
Nay Pyi Taw Union territory area
Zabuthiri township and Dekkhinathiri township
Phyo Wai Win (Assistant geologist) and Saw Noel Aung (Geological Assistant 3)
2021-11-15 ~ 2022-01-15
Sand soil_MM_Soil_11_2024
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