(UUID : 6672ada8-1a7c-4c14-8293-319772c5c616)
Soil (C_TRS_5_2)
MM_GeoData (Soil)
Geological Survey and Heavy mineral simpling in Tanintharyi river, Tanintharyi township, Tanintharyi region
Soil Simpling (Heavy Mineral) Yellowish brown color soil from Tanintharyi river
For Chemical Laboratory
Geological Survey and Soil Simpling in Tanintharyi river, Tanintharyi township, Tanintharyi region
Tanintharyi river, Tanintharyi township, Tanintharyi region
Geological Survey and Soil Simpling in Tanintharyi river, Tanintharyi township, Tanintharyi region
Myanmar (Burma)
Tanintharyi region
Tanintharyi township
Dr. Myint Soe (Deputy Director General) etal. (DGSE)
Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Naypyitaw, dgsejvsec@gmail.com, gis.dgse@gmail.com
Chemical Laboratory
myintsoedgse@gmail.com, dgsejvsec@gmail.com, Naypyitaw, gis.dgse@gmail.com
Chemical Laboratory
myintsoedgse@gmail.com, dgsejvsec@gmail.com, Naypyitaw, gis.dgse@gmail.com
Heavy Mineral Analysis Soil (C_TRS_5_2)
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