(UUID : 58e280be-ffd0-4854-8169-51b1205fa1d5)
Fossil Wood (Palm tree)
Paleontology (Fossil)
Geological Survey in mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
Fossil wood (Palm tree) occurs in mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
1.806 ~ 23.03
Million Years (Ma)
Pliocene to Miocene
Irrawaddy Group and equivalent
Geological Survey in Mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
Fossil wood (Palm tree) occurs in mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township
for Field report
298.704 m ~ 1518.20 m
Geological Survey in mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
Mount Popa area, Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay division
The Irrawaddy formation is abundant of fossil wood. And facts about concern with the mount Popa is the Bago Yoma Ranges pass northwards into a line of extinct volcanoes with small crater lakes and eroded cones; the largest of these is Mount Popa (1518 m). Further, Middle Miocene high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of Mount Popa in central Myanmar provide the final definitive record of eastwards subduction-related magmatism beneath Myanmar (Lee et al. 2010)
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay division
Kyaukpadaung township
Dr. Myint Soe (Deputy Director General) and Field Party (DGSE)
For field report
For field report
Fossil Wood_MM_Fossil_10_2023
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