(UUID : 423877a0-91b6-45be-97c0-520b8db6b776)
Quaternary residual slope deposits
Ground Drilling Core
Solid mineral borehole
Earth yellow - light brown , sand, mud. Loose texture, occasionally with stones
ZK1501 is a representative borehole in the Yandong copper mine area. Volcanic breccia, pyroxene hornblende andesite, altered volcanic breccia, altered andesite, altered andesite diorite porphyrite, plagioclase granite porphyrite, copper bearing diorite porphyrite are found in the borehole, and orebodies are found in oxidation zone, mixed zone and primary zone.
Research and service utilization
Yandong - Tuwu copper mine,Hami City,Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Hami City
Cores and Samples Center of Natural Resources
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