(UUID : 31d3f464-7ea3-448f-9893-e3da18c67e47)
Soil Sample (Zabuthiri township, NPT)
Preliminary Urban Geology Project in Zabuthiri and Dekkhinathiri townships, Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory area.
Soil Sample collecting in Nay Pyi Taw area to analyze
Preliminary Urban Geology project
Soil Sample collected for analysis
Preliminary Urban Geology project (Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory)
542 ~ 972
Preliminary Urban Geology project in Zabuthiri and Dekkhinathiri townships, Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory
Zabuthiri township and Dekkhinathiri township, Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory
In Nay Pyi Taw area, we see verious soil types, loamy soil, lateritic soil, sandy soil and silty soil. Most are sandy soil. The Lithology is sedimentary rock and Age is Holocene to Middle Miocene. Sandstone, shale, siltstone, gravel and in some area gritty sand also occur.
Myanmar (Burma)
Nay Pyi Taw union territory
Zabuthiri township and Dekkhinathiri townships
Phyo Wai Win (Assistant Geologist) and Saw Noel (Geological Assistant)
2021-12-11 ~ 2022-12-01
[email protected], Naypyitaw, [email protected]
Soil Sampling (Zabuu, Nay Pyi Taw area)_MM_Soil_02_2024
Soil Sample Analyzed result (Zabuthiri tsp, NPT) (NZS 01-25) (CCOP-SMP-2024-000015)
Soil Sample Analyzed result (Zabuthiri tsp, NPT) (NZS 26-50) (CCOP-SMP-2024-000033)
Soil Sample Analyzed result (Zabuthiri tsp, NPT) (NZS 51-65) (CCOP-SMP-2024-000066)
Soil Sample Analyzed result (Zabuthiri tsp, NPT) (NZS 66-80) (CCOP-SMP-2024-000067)
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