(UUID : 258c5dca-b368-4d96-8a61-58a2eec296fe)
Michelinoceras Sp
Paleontology (Fossil)
Geological Survey in Bawsaing area, Bawsaing township, Southern Shan state
Fossil Michelinoceras Sp occurs in grey color, fine to medium graine compact Limestone
460.9 ~ 471.8
Million Years (Ma)
Middle Ordovician
Wunbye Formation
Mineral Database
6 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm
Geological Survey in Bawsaing area, Bawsaing township, Southern Shan state
389.6 ~ 496.5
Mineral Deposit Area
Bawsaing area, Bawsaing township, Southern Shan state
Geological Survey in Bawsaing area, Bawsaing township, Southern Shan state
"The Wunbye Formation was named after its type section on Wunbye Hill (1558 m), 3 km SW of Linwe village, Ye-ngan township, Shan State South (Myint Lwin Thein 1973), and there it is 1633 m thick. The unit consistsmainly of a succession of medium- to thickbedded limestones and dolomites with minor irregular patches and lenses of yellow or dark brown siltstones. The limestone is finely crystalline, light to dark grey, locally oolitic."
Myanmar (Burma)
Southern Shan state
Bawsaing township
Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration
Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Naypyitaw, [email protected]
Michelinoceras Sp_MM_Fossil_09_2023
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