(UUID : 0ea173cf-9e85-4a36-adbd-4f75d428075d)
Geological Survey in Kyauk Phyu - Ye Nyar area, Thabeikkyin township, Mandalay region
Gem Sapphire occurs in milky white color, graphic texture, medium grained marble
251.0 ~ 318.1
Million Years (Ma)
Permian and older
Mogok group
Mineral Database
1 cm x 1cm x 0.5 cm
Geological Survey in Kyauk Phyu - Ye Nyar area, Thabeikkyin township, Mandalay region
For Field report
379 ~ 598.3
Mineral Deposit Area
Geological Survey in Kyauk Phyu - Ye Ngar area, Thabeikkyin township, Mandalay region
Kyauk Phyu - Ye Nyar area, Thabeikkyin township
In the type area around Mogok the metamorphic rocks in the Mogok Belt include marbles and calc-silicate rocks, quartzites and pelites containing kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite and augen gneisses. Gold mineralization in the MMB occurs as skarn-type or as orogenic gold-quartz veins in marbles, calc-silicates and gneisses (e.g. Thabeikkyin-Kwinthonze area). In Mogok group, marble, garnet-sillimanite gneiss, schist and migmatite occur and in Mogok area (Mogok Metamorphic Belt), ruby, sapphire, jade, diamond, orogenic Au, Pb–Zn veins, Cu–Au skarns, Sn–W (vein and skarn), REE can be seen.
Myanmar (Burma)
Mandalay region
Thabeikkyin township
Mr. Kay Khaine Min (Geologist) and etal. (DGSE)
Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, Naypyitaw, [email protected]
2018-06-12 ~ 2018-07-06
For field report
[email protected], Naypyitaw, [email protected]
For field report
[email protected], Naypyitaw, [email protected]
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