(UUID : 0b23ac00-8333-48cd-ae6f-1e4f07cdae72)
Diorite (Tarlay area) 1
Geological Survey in Tarlay area, Tarlay township, Eastern Shan state.
Grey color, fine to medium grained diorite in Loi Khan area, Tarlay township, Eastern Shan state
175.6 ~ 251.0
Million Years (Ma)
Triassic and post Triassic?
Mineral Database
Geological Survey in Loi Khan area, Tarlay township, Eastern Shan state (DGSE and Locrian Precious Metal Co., Ltd)
Field report
800 ~ 1612
Mountain Range
Geological Survey in Loi Khan area, Tarlay township, Eastern Shan state
Loi Khan area, Tarlay township, Eastern Shan state
In the easternmost part of Shan State, eastern Myanmar bordering with Thailand and Laos PDR, Gardiner et al. (2015a) reported Triassic (219, 220 Ma) granite at Kyaingtong and Late Permian granite (266 Ma) at Tachileik. These ages are suggestive of the extension of Loei Fold Belt, which forms a north–south-trending arcuate magmatic–volcanic arc stretching from northern Laos PDR and eastern Shan State in Myanmar through Loei and Phetchabun in central Thailand and Laos PDR. The Loei Belt consists of Permian–Triassic magmatism associated with important epithermal Au (Chatree, Thailand) and porphyry-related skarn Cu–Au mineralization in Thailand and Laos PDR.
Myanmar (Burma)
Eastern Shan state
Tarlay township
Khin Maung Lwin (Geologist) DGSE and Locrian Precious Metals Co., Ltd
2021-12-01 ~ 2022-02-15
Diorite (Tarlay area) 1_MM_Rock_27_2024
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